Ceyherbal Natural Welness

CeyHerbal Lanka has roots in rich ayurvedic tradition dating back to almost 150 years. All natural products sourced from the highest quality raw materials in Sri Lanka. Manufactured locally providing employment to many youths and senior citizens.


Our ingredients are hand-picked from local suppliers. The best ingredients are sourced from Tropical forests and natural gardens without harming the ecosystem.

Our Products

Maecenas fermentum malesuada. In lacus pede, pulvinar gravida, eros et velit lectus varius egestas, nulla sed nulla ultricies a, aliquet eget, rutrum sollicitudin non, placerat sagittis porta, turpis dolor, luctus nulla dolor sed viverra auctor, ante ipsum primis in dui. Maecenas nec libero wisi.

Kapuru Oil

kapuru thelal copy

Batu Oil

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Edaru Oil

endaru thel copy

Pagiri Oil

pengiri thel bothale copy02

Aba Oil

aba thelal copy

Mee Oil

mee thelal copy

Aenean scelerisque sem. Cras faucibus arcu vel lorem. In quam porta tellus rutrum nulla, placerat scelerisque, diam. Aenean posuere tristique libero.

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